
We believe that responsible investment not only plays an important role for society, but equally, allows us to build fundamentally better companies.

Our Approach to ESG

Our mission is to create value for all our partners by upholding high standards of governance and business ethics within Sienna VC, our funds, and our portfolio companies. We integrate ESG principles into every facet of our operations, from the initial screening and due diligence phases to the creation of dedicated ESG committees within our portfolio companies. We establish relevant KPIs and conduct systematic follow-ups to ensure ongoing improvements.

Tech for Purpose is at the heart of our strategy, ensuring that the companies we invest in not only deliver financial returns but also contribute positively to environmental and societal challenges.

Sienna VC Article 8 Fund

ESG in our Investment Process

All potential investments are screened against our Responsible Investment Policy.
We assess investments using a thorough ESG due diligence aligned with the UN SDGs. Our proprietary ESG Scorecard evaluates environmental impact, labor practices, societal contributions, and governance, of our companies.

Active Ownership
We actively engage with our portfolio companies on ESG issues, supporting them in the implementation of related initiatives.
At regular intervals, in defined formats and with tailored KPIs, we monitor our portfolio companies' sustainability performance.

Upon exit, we strive to implement an independent assessment to capture ESG-related progress achieved during our ownership period.

We Follow Sustainable Initiatives

Principles for Responsible InvestmentSustainable Finance Disclosure RegulationTennaxiaIceberg Data Lab
United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment
Article 8
Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation
ESG tools to manage sustainable performance
Iceberg Data Lab
Environmental and biodiversity data solutions