
DustPhotonics is enabling the next generation of data centers through silicon photonics technology

Date of investment

About the company

Situation: Data centers are struggling to manage the surging amount of data efficiently as content and demanding applications continue to grow. The current infrastructure is having a hard time keeping up with the increasing data traffic, prompting the need for innovative solutions to handle it more effectively.

Solution: DustPhotonics addresses the challenge of efficiently handling growing data volumes by developing a unique silicon photonics technology product. Collaborating with key supply chain partners, the solution ensures high data rates, lower power consumption, reduced costs, and scalable high-volume capabilities.

Market: Silicon photonics market is huge at $1.3 billion in 2022 and deemed to grow rapidly at a 29% CAGR 22-30, where it is expected to reach $8.1 billion in 2030.